If you ask anyone about preparing for CBSE board exams, one of the first things they tell you to do is solve sample papers. But is it really necessary to solve sample papers? Isn’t it enough to study from the textbooks and NCERT books? Should you take on the added burden of solving these question papers when you have to study and revise the syllabus? And what are the benefits of solving these model question papers?
If you’re asking yourself these questions, we have the answer for you. Yes, it is extremely important to solve CBSE sample question papers while you prepare for the exams. But what are sample papers? CBSE sample question papers are a replica of the actual question papers that appear in the board exams. These papers give students an opportunity to understand the CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 board exam patterns. If you’re still wondering if you should solve sample papers, here are 7 reasons that’ll help you understand the importance of sample papers.
7 Important Reasons to Solve CBSE Sample Papers
Here are 7 ways in which solving CBSE sample question papers help students prepare better for the board exams.
- Understanding the exam pattern: The CBSE sample papers are modelled along the lines of the actual Class 10 and Class 12 board exam question papers. Solving these sample question papers help students learn more about the exam pattern. For example, solving the CBSE sample paper class 12 helps them understand the kinds of questions asked, the marking scheme, the exam duration etc. This helps boost the student’s confidence and helps them face the exams without any fear.
- Self-assessment: It is essential for students appearing for the board exams to test themselves often to check their level of preparation. Solving sample question papers is one of the best ways for students to self-assess their knowledge and understanding of the syllabus. It also helps them spot any gaps in learning and assess their strengths and weaknesses. This will help them gauge their level of preparedness and amp up their studies accordingly.
- Important questions: One of the best advantages of solving CBSE sample papers is that it helps students learn about important topics. It also helps students learn about frequently asked questions in the exam paper. Focusing on these important topics and questions helps them score higher marks.
- Revision: Revising after covering the entire syllabus is crucial for students preparing for the board exams. Revision helps students learn about and remember things they might have missed while studying. Solving CBSE sample question papers is one of the best ways to revise the syllabus.
- Writing practice: It is essential for students to practice writing often while preparing for the board exams. This not only helps them relay the information they’ve learnt correctly but also helps them improve their writing speed. This is especially important for subjects like Maths, Science and Social Science. Solving model question papers like CBSE Class 10 Maths sample paper is a great way to practise problem-solving and improve their writing skills.
- Time management: One of the most important benefits of solving CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 sample papers is learning to manage your time effectively. The CBSE sample papers have the same exam duration as the board exam question paper. Additionally, it has the same kinds of questions and the same number of questions as the actual board exam paper. Practising solving several sample papers helps students learn to manage their time better and finish answering the questions within the exam duration.
- Confidence: Practice makes one perfect. Similarly, practising solving CBSE sample question papers often helps students practice writing exams. It also helps them often revise and learn to manage their time well to finish answering the questions. It also helps them understand the pattern of the board exam paper. All this helps students become more confident and face the exams without fear. This boost in confidence will also help them perform better in the board exams.
So, before you appear for the CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 board exams, solve as many sample papers as possible. This will help you ace the exam and score higher marks.